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Search Results for "Members of the American Expeditionary Force dismantle German delayed-action bombs...HD Stock Footage"
Members of the American Expeditionary Force dismantle German delayed-action bombs...HD Stock Footage
A member of the American Expeditionary Force disarms a German 105 mm gas shell in...HD Stock Footage
A member of the AEF disarms a German gas shell and demonstrates a gas mask tester...HD Stock Footage
US troops fire mounted guns and inspect downed German aircraft in France during W...HD Stock Footage
Members of the American Expeditionary Force load gas masks on mule carts and make...HD Stock Footage
US 318th Infantry Regiment, 80th Division, American Expeditionary Force load and ...HD Stock Footage
318th Infantry Regiment, 80th Division, American Expeditionary Force troops insta...HD Stock Footage
British soldiers instruct US Army Infantry troops on setup and use of Vickers mac...HD Stock Footage
ww1 German HZ14 artillery shell fuse breakdown
Bomb Hunters (Trailer)
World War 2 Bomb Explodes Unexpectedly In UK
Piercing the Atlantic Wall- D-Day [Part 3]